Friday, January 6, 2012

Here we go . . . again

It strikes me as rather ironic that as an English/literacy educator I write all of the time--and I reflect much of the time. I read tons of stuff online. Yet, maintaining a blog has always been hard. Hence the title of this blog. Postings are not guaranteed and they will most like ramble all over the place.

So, what is new today?

A lot actually.

I am just beginning my second semester in a new job--back where I got my BA and PhD. Last semester was a blur and learning curve. Now, I am beginning to get the hang of things. Courses this semester include one section of content area reading and one section of early reading--development and assessment. One large class and one small class--but two pretty big preps. I will cover the range of K-12 literacy this semester, that is for sure.

I'd love to hear from anyone who teaches these types of courses. What readings do you really like? What sort of activities and assignments have worked really well?

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