Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Person?

All around me, whether on Facebook, in the halls, on TV, or at yoga, I hear people talking about New Year's resolutions. I've never had much luck at making or keeping them. However, as I am going through some sort of mid-life/mid-career crisis, I have made a few "changes" that I hope to keep up not only in 2013 but for a long time. 1. Slow down. I usually wake up, rush to feed the cat, get dressed, and head to the gym at 5:30 am. I am trying to wake up earlier, take 5-10 minutes to relax and meditate on life, then feed the cat, read, get ready, and go to the gym (it didn't work out that way today, but I am sick and feel that is a valid excuse). 2. Downsize. Holy hell, how did I wind up with SO MUCH stuff??!! Seriously. I am getting rid of tons of clothes, books, papers, crap. 3. Let go. I am done giving my life to this job. I am going to be very selective about what I take on in terms of research/writing and let the rest go. 4. Travel. Last week I had my first non-work/non-duty (e.g., wedding, graduation) trip in 17 years. Pathetic. I am going to travel more. 5. Read and reflect. I am going to take time to read and reflect--for myself--each and every day.

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