Monday, January 6, 2014

Even More on DOK Misinformation

I am reposting this from Dr. Walkup's blog: Karin Hess, probably the most prolific national trainer on Depth of Knowledge, has agreed to share her thoughts on the matter: I'm glad you said that you see this as problematic - I do as well. I call this the "DOK wheel of misfortune" and tell people in my workshops to discard it. It flies in the face of what DOK is about: What comes AFTER the verb. I usually point out that, for example, comparing two story characters (DOK 2) does not show as deep understanding as comparing (analyzing across texts) themes from two different stories (DOK 4). Secondly, verbs alone are "generic" to content and again research tells us that analyzing in science, for example, does not require the same mental schemas as analyzing literature or mathematics. The DOK wheel is easy (efficient?) to use, but ineffective in terms of delving deep into content and processes. Feel free to use it and to quote me on how useless the wheel is.

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