Saturday, October 5, 2013

You Need Sh&% to Make Things Grow

After last Wednesday's horrible department meeting I had much to think about, including reflecting on what I could do better in my reading classes. So, I created a power point with the title slide "Come to Jesus Meeting." [I realize that a religious reference may offend some, but since we also go over idioms/cliches, I thought this Southern phase might be one they could learn] After that slide I showed the bar graph and explained it. I then told them about the meeting and who was there, and I asked, "How do you think I felt?" Students offered up words such as: embarrassed, mad, frustrated, angry, disappointed. I told them that I was not angry with them, but I was embarrassed and frustrated. I explained that what what they did, or did not do, had consequences that went beyond their grades in my class. I then put up a list of bulleted questions and told them that whatever they said would not be repeated outside of class. I asked them why they thought they did so poorly on the computerized program. I also asked what I could do better. I asked about how they felt about reading in general and if they felt they had improved so far this year. They had some good ideas about how to motivate them. It was a very good discussion. I think they saw me more as a human with feelings. Taking all of this into account, I spent a small fortune at Target and Party City, getting together fun rewards (mini-tropies, fun hats, etc.) I also--and I had wanted to do this before the meeting and talk--put together good luck bags for them since they retake the FCAT next week. My tenth grade students helped, writing some creative, and often funny, quotes/inspirational statements.
And, it seemed to have worked. They did fantastic yesterday. The computer program is not everything, but they took it more seriously. And, I followed up with one of their requests, which was to show some kind of video that was related to the article they were going to read. Below is a graph comparing the percentage who scored 75% or greater on the article questions (August-September) and how they did yesterday. I had 9 students get a hundred on it.
So, maybe it took some sj&% going down to lead to some greater good?

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